Saturday, November 6, 2010

The swift winds of change.

I have realized that as time has gone on that I have had more responsibilities placed on my shoulders. More decisions as an adult. Ever since I was 18 I was forced to be my one adult and adjust to how life changes even though we may not want it to. I know that a lot of times I don't feel quite yet ready for the changes that I am placed into or the extra responsibilities and choices that adults make. I have learned to be completely in dependant in making my life's choices, but now I get the extra help and thoughts of the man I love to help me make the choices that I have in life. I am ready to embrace the next chapter in my life whether others are willing to accept it or not, I want to make the best of it and embrace it with open arms. The Lord doesn't give us challenges we cant handle and I have learned that myself through my life's challenges and also by watching others go through trials.

I am so ready for the holidays. The joyful and cheerful feelings that come with the Christmas spirit make me so happy, I just want it to come and fill me with some good cheer. I love working with the children in my classes. they make things so funny and simple. For just a few hours each day I can appreciate the simple fun things in life that children bring. I got to read a cute Thanksgiving book to my 1st graders it was so fun to hear the fun remarks from them. I even get those cute little kids that come up to me and want to give me a hug or tell me something cool that happened to them at recess. Children are so great, I have learned that I defiantly want to teach as a profession. Preston's flight itinerary came this week. Time is flying and its become more real now that we have his flight info and it kinda gives me hope that "yes" he will come home.

He never said it would be easy, but it will be worth it!

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