Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Get in the GO mode!

Well im sorry I havn't posted anything lately. Its been a very busy holiday for my family. I have been informed by my stake president that I need to get into go mode and start packing for the mission "otra ves" - again! I have been cleared and released from my doctors. I developed a stomach ulcer from stress of coming home early causing a delay in my papers and resubmitting process. But im glad to say its all taken care of and the Lord does provide! I am taking new leaps and bounds and being 100% grateful to my heavenly father for the oppertunity to serve him again. I have been able to request to stay in a spanish speaking mission. I am sending in my medical release to my stake president. Once that is taken care of he is going to fax it to SLC and then he will get a phone call in a matter or a day or so with my flight information and new mission call. I am very happy with the way it has turned out. Estoy muy contento con las cosas lo pasen. Sentir como traquilidad y estaba en mi casa en esta tiempo por como un proposito, estoy lista por todas las cosas en esta nueva mision. Me amo mi padre celestial y estoy agradecido por los bendiciones recibi! Pues esta Iglesia es la unica iglesia en todo el mundo cual tiene el completo autoridad de dios. Jose Smith fue una profeta de dios y tiene los llaves de dios para restorar la iglesia otra ves en la tierra! Thank you everyone for the love and support. I will post my new call within a few days! Saludos!

1 comment:

  1. can't wait to hear where you are going this time around.
