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Wednesday, April 22nd @ 12:50pm, we arrived at the Missionary Training Center. Missionaries and their families were everywhere and parking was tight. We found a spot across the street from the MTC and like many others, with luggage in hand, we made our way to the MTC entrance. Notice who's carrying the large bags! Whit stopped along the way for a photo-op and was joined by a tiny tot who couldn't resists getting his picture taken. We followed the signs to the luggage area and dropped them off. Volunteers were everywhere directing our every move. There's no stepping out of line there when you have a 60 year old dedicated volunteer to set you on the correct course.
We were then told to turn off our camera and cell phones and were directed to one of the many holding rooms where we were given instruction by a former Mission President and his wife. This was a large room with a huge movie screen at the front and two signs posted on the wall, each one by a door, the one to the right said; "Missionary Exit" and the one to the left said; "Family Exit." The 40 minute meeting was opened with a song and prayer. Both the ex-president and his wife spoke briefly on how each of the missionaries will grow and become better people as they will have many experiences preaching the gospel, and family members were admonished to study, pray, and gain in spiritual growth as well, so that when our missionary returns home, he/she will have a much easier adjustment period to regular home life. All the missionaries were asked to stand. Whitney was the only Sister Missionary in this particular holding room. A video was then played showing a large auditorium of Elders singing "Called to Serve" It was heart wrenching and we all sang along. Whitney had been asked to give the closing prayer, which she now did closing the meeting. We were then instructed to say a brief goodbye and depart through our exit door. The three of us tearfully hugged and said our goodbyes, then Hermana Robbins left being the second missionary of this group to walk through the exit door. She couldn't wait to find her companion and begin her 18 month journey. We won't be able to talk with her again until Christmas Day, but look forward to her weekly letters home.
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Hi Sweet Pea this is Grandma. I don't do well on computers so hope this gets to you. I am so proud of you little one. You are such a lovely young lady. Keep safe and well. Love you so very much little one. Grandma Dawn